You’re gearing up for your big trip. You might have decided on an extended stay near a research library, museum, or medical facility, or perhaps you have a writer’s retreat lined up. Whether your travel takes you across state lines or across oceans, a little planning and preparation will go a long way! Here are some tips and resources worth looking into:
The Flight
Believe it or not, there are ways to make a long haul more pleasant. First, check for a good deal on Internet access in the air. The Telegraph has a current article on this topic: “The Eight Airlines that Offer in-flight Wi-Fi for Free,” as does the website, Lets Fly Cheaper: “Airlines that Offer Wifi – The Definitive 2017 List.” The latter is quick to point out that “free” usually means “slow.” Second, stay hydrated aboard by bringing your own water bottle (the larger, the better). Bring it empty and fill it up once you’ve passed security.
The Finances
The last thing you want to do is run out of funds. Fortunately, there are some apps that can help keep track of finances. If you’re traveling abroad, keep an eye on currency exchange rates, as they are in constant flux. An app and website that comes highly recommended is called XE Currency Converter. With this, you may convert nearly any currency to any other, do fee-free money transfers, and calculate travel expenses while taking the currency exchange into consideration. This is an important tool for budgeting before you go, so you know how much you need to save. Another app that does this is called Trabee Pocket. It, too, accounts for currency exchanges, but it also offers customizable categories and travel expense reports.
The Logistics
What about all the little practical things that slip our minds…For instance, what happens if you are in an unfamiliar city, you don’t know the language, and you need a bathroom right away? There’s an app for that. It’s called Flush, and its sole function is finding available toilets. Not only that, but it also tells you whether they are free or fee-based. Google Translate works for over 100 languages. You may talk, type, draw, or copy & paste what you want to be translated. There is also a neat feature that lets you snap a picture of a sign, menu, etc. and translate it. Lastly, you will want to remember every wonderful moment, right? A great way to keep your memories together in digital form is through an app called Livetrekker. It uses GPS to track where you go, and you supply video, audio, pictures, and text. Later, as you have time, you may edit your files. This way, you won’t forget where this picture was taken or where that memory occurred.
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