“You Can Take Six Months Off” is a new book by adventurer Tomer Lanis. We’ve got our copy, and heartily recommend adventurous travelers, like you, get one too! Can you afford to take six months off to travel with your family? The idea might sound…
“You Can Take Six Months Off” is a new book by adventurer Tomer Lanis. We’ve got our copy, and heartily recommend adventurous travelers, like you, get one too! Can you afford to take six months off to travel with your family? The idea might sound…
Shelley Miller reveals her biggest secret, “With home exchanging you will never say, ‘I wish we could afford to travel.’ Instead you’ll ask, ‘Where should we go next?’.” We were so pleased when this up-and-coming author (Postcards From Home: Exchange the home, save the family)…