Scholar Spotlight: Learning Piano Online  By

Scholar Spotlight: Learning Piano Online

You might have met David Brown at one of our Sabbatical Homes tables at a convention. We were lucky to have him join us at both the ACTFL and MLA conferences while he was still working towards his degree. He has now ventured into the world of entrepreneurship, founding, a resource for learning piano online.

David Brown recently received his Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree from the USC Thornton School of Music in Los Angeles, California. As an educator, he has a genuine passion to uphold the legacy of classical music through quality instruction.

Dr. Brown has been involved with music his entire life. As a child, he took piano lessons and grew to love classical compositions. “I meet so many people who tell me they wish they knew how to play the piano, but I understand that there are barriers to entry involved to learning the instrument,” says Brown.

He touched on common challenges such as the prohibitive cost of private lessons and trying to schedule conducive time. Additionally, observing that with so many of us traveling and frequently on the move, continuity between lessons can be tough. But Dr. Brown also offered a solution, “I decided to create, a website that makes learning the piano easy, affordable, and possible from anywhere in the world.”

It’s clear that Dr. Brown has a passion for classical music and cares about quality education. He entrusted fellow expert music engravers, graphic designers, and video artists to help produce the highest quality materials for Piano Cub. And he designed the program specifically to make classical training accessible. “I wanted to create an affordable option for people who wanted the kind of experience they would get with a private teacher, including how to read music.”

If you want to learn piano online, check out - Learn Piano online







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