Lease and Contract Agreement Guidelines If you are planning a home exchange, home rental, or the use of another member’s vehicle, it is very important to agree to the details in advance, in writing and to have this signed by both parties. But first, you…
We recently had the opportunity to reconnect with author Alix Christie and her husband, Ludwig Siegele at bar name & her history there in San Francisco, California. A longtime member, Alix and her family have traveled throughout the world and lived in many different…
Whether you are searching for a home or a tenant, we want you to find what you need. We’ve compiled some valuable information to help you find the perfect match for a home rental or home exchange opportunity (including house sitting or home sharing). Getting…
Many of our members, especially those new to home rentals and exchanges, are concerned about entering into an agreement with someone they don’t know. This is understandable, and SabbaticalHomes cannot guarantee the integrity of every person using the site. However, there are certain steps that…