Conference Alert!: Academic Architecture Conferences  By

Conference Alert!: Academic Architecture Conferences

If you’re an architecture student or professor, here are five upcoming academic conferences that should be on your radar, as they are perfect events to enhance any sabbatical experience

1. International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology

April 11-12

New York, United States of America 

This conference provides opportunities for delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, and allows them to establish business or research relations, as well as to find global partners for future collaborations.

Abstract/proposal submission deadline: March 25, 2015.

2. International Conference for Academic Disciplines

April 16-19

Florence, Italy

A four day multidisciplinary conference that also offers free cultural bus tours to introduce visitors to the splendors of Pisa, Siena, Lucca, and S. Gimignano.

Abstract/proposal submission deadline: April 2, 2015

3. BIM 2015- International Conference on Building Information Modeling in Design, Construction, and Operations

September 9-11

Bristol, United Kingdom 

This conference focuses on the importance of interdisciplinary and collaborative practices within the built environment. BIM strives to attract a varied yet complementary range of participants.

Abstract/proposal submission deadline: Contact for details

4. Spaces and Flows: Sixth International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies

October 15-16

Chicago, United States of America

This interdisciplinary conference and its companion journal invite scholars, planners, architects, geographers, and social scientists to examine pressing urban, planning, and socio-spatial questions.

Abstract/proposal submission deadline: February 19, 2015

5. Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) 69th Annual Conference 

April 6-10, 2016

Pasadena/Los Angeles, United States of America 

The principal purpose of this conference is to inform attendees of the general state of research in architectural history and related disciplines. The event offers sessions covering every period in the history of architecture and all aspects of the built environment, including landscape and urban history.

Abstract/proposal submission deadline: June 6, 2015.

 ‘Conference Alert!’ will keep you in-the-know about upcoming academic conventions and conferences. Each article in this series previews deadlines for abstracts and proposals for a specific area of study. Conferences are great opportunities to enhance your sabbatical travel experience. Let us know what you think! Connect with us on FacebookTwitter, or Google +.


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