A SabbaticalHomes.com Connection Turns Into a Sale for One, a Renewed Friendship for Another  By

A SabbaticalHomes.com Connection Turns Into a Sale for One, a Renewed Friendship for Another

We get wonderful stories from our members about unique connections. One of these comes from a member from Illinois, Kathleen Adams. She and her husband were toying with the idea of moving to a new house in their neighborhood when they got a SabbaticalHome.com inquiry about their rental. She mentioned that they might be selling it so it wouldn’t be available for fall. The other couple were so taken with the house they came to see it the next day and agreed to buy it.

“All in the space of 24 hours,” said Adams, “we had an unplanned sale of our house and the purchase of a new one, thanks to SabbaticalHomes.com.”

Another wonderful story comes from Candace McCoy. She had had several inquiries about her home in Princeton. One happened to be from a young scholar who McCoy knew when the girl was just three-years-old and she had been friends with her parents but had lost touch. Now grown, she and her family agreed to rent the house and gave all of them a chance to reconnect. A small world, indeed!

Sara Priztkat frequently corresponds with SabbaticalHomes.com members via our communications team. We love hearing from our members and writing about their extraordinary adventures. ‘Small World Connections’ is a place for us to share these amazing experiences. Do you have a Sabbatical Homes story you’d like to share? We want to hear from you! Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Google +.

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