Using the updated Filter By

Using the updated Filter



Using the updated filter to narrow your results is a powerful new feature on You can sort by dates, minimum stay, rate, and more. A new option is to filter by distinctions. In this category, you can choose to search for members who are Academic, Contributors/Matched Members, or Inner Circle Members. You can also choose to see Our Dream Spots.

Selecting the Academic distinction will return results for all academic types, working both in and outside of traditional academia; this list includes Academics (verified), Academics (pending), and Independent Scholars. The icons associated with the individual listings will give you more details.

Selecting the Contributor/Matched Member distinction will return results for members that have paid Made-a-Match fees when they find the right fit for a home or tenant.

Selecting Our Dream Spots will return our handpicked dream-worthy listings ranging from destinations near and far.

Selecting the Inner Circle distinction will return a select group of members that imbue the qualities and spirit of the community. These individuals have proven their dedication to facilitating the travel and housing needs of academics and like-minded individuals.

Simply choose the option(s) you’d like to use to narrow down your results and click the “Filter” button at the top (or bottom) of the Filter box. Your listings results will reflect the options you’ve chosen to filter after pressing the “Filter” button. To clear and reset the filter, click the red “X” next to the “Filter” button.