SabbaticalHomes Featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education  By

SabbaticalHomes Featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education

“Sheltering in ‘a Stress Bubble’” by Don Troop, The Chronicle of Higher Education

Reporter Don Troop from The Chronicle of Higher Education has written a feature article “Sheltering in a ‘Stress Bubble,'” describing how the academic members of our community have experienced work / life during the COVID-19 pandemic. Troop interviewed member Mireille Miller-Young, whose professional and personal life has been profoundly affected by the events of this past year. Member Survey

This article came about from the Fall 2020 Member Survey, which piqued the interest of one of the foremost news outlets focusing on higher education. We conducted the survey to check in with our community of academics of scholars, and we appreciate all those who participated in the survey. We know that it has been a challenging year for most of us, but it was eye-opening to hear what people are going through right now.

At the end of the survey report, the Silver Linings question and responses reinforced our belief in the resilience of our academic community. With the uniquely global outlook of our many academics, researchers, scholars, writers, we know there are many who are working hard to overcome this difficult year to emerge stronger, smarter and more connected to others.

Related: Fall Member Survey

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