Sabbatical Team On the Move: The Musician’s Journey to London  By

Sabbatical Team On the Move: The Musician’s Journey to London

With a passion to explore, we wish to share our experiences and encourage those to chase their next adventure! We asked Jay, one of our team members, what he was up to this summer. He couldn’t help but respond with excitement:

Summer is here and I’ve recently been given the opportunity to study abroad through the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music – London Program! As a student, I will tour the center of England, experiencing a ten-day music intensive while interacting and networking with other student and faculty musicians from The Institute Of Contemporary Music Performance (ICMP). With projects aimed towards popular music performance, production and culture, I’ll learn about popular styles as I also explore song writing, rehearsal and performance strategies, stage presence, and collaboration in an international setting.

Through the program’s curriculum, both my analytical and directing skills will be challenged, allowing me to hone my ability to creatively and successfully combine distinct musical components. As I surround myself with talented-minded musicians, the program fosters a community in which young Londoners are encouraged to create, without fear of judgment, proving to be a genuine space for learning. This will prepare me for my ultimate endeavor of launching a record label, a label that fosters good music from unique, and even international, experiences.

Next to Los Angeles, London is considered to be one of the most exciting places for music; acting as a hotbed for underground artists and small independent labels. Here lives one of the most creative times that British music has ever seen, heaving with young artists that refuse conventional wisdom and style with talent, humor and truth. It’s freedom of speech! The UK is giving more opportunities to niche artists and niche sounds, and I’m eager to explore it. As they’re considered to have a vibrant underground scene, there are hundreds of new artists to fall in love with in the capital; also meaning there are hundreds of collaborative opportunities and musical experiences!

As I participate in this 10-day intensive, I’m excited to embrace London culture, taking adventures to the London Eye, West-End shows, Abbey Road Studios, The British Museum, various theaters, parks and historic monuments. I’ve never been, but have learned about the beauties of traveling and adventure. With so much to learn and experience, I’m counting down the days to this great adventure.


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