How To Add Pictures To Your Home Offered Listing  By

How To Add Pictures To Your Home Offered Listing

After you have added all of your information to your Sabbatical Homes Home Offered listing, you can add pictures via the Add Pictures button at the bottom of the page:

How to Add Pictures to your home rental, home exchange, home sitting, or home sharing listingYou can upload up to ten pictures (in JPG format and under 2mb in size) either by pressing the Browse button, or by dragging and dropping images:

Once you’ve uploaded your images, you’ll be able to edit them by cropping, rotating, or flipping them:

Crop, Rotate, Flip Home Rental Listing Images

If you decide you don’t want one of the photos, simply click the X on the side of the box and confirm that you’d like to remove it:


Be sure to drag your best picture to the top spot:


Once your images are ready to go, click Save:


Be sure to review your listing, and then click Confirm Add Listing:





  1. I am having trouble finding out how to reduce the size of my jpeg photos on my new chromebook – the pix are too large to post.
    Any suggestions?

    1. Rebecca McCalla

      Hi Betsy,
      We just Googled “reduce the size of jpeg photos on Chromebook,” and it looks like this link may help you if you still need it!

      Thank you,

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